We are driven by our passion for the gospel and the great commission of our Lord Jesus; to take the gospel to every man, everywhere. Our tool for doing this is the Messenger Angel, Rhapsody of Realities, currently available in over 900 languages. Through this platform, we identify opportunities in cities, towns and villages in different countries of the world to organize ReachOut Campaigns and distribute Rhapsody of Realities either physically or online. We also embark on developmental projects in these communities, improving the lives of the residents.
Together with our partners and distributors, we’ve been able to do this consistently for 11 years, changing lives and recording testimonies.
SOUL WINNINGAt the very core of everything we do is the salvation of souls. Our activities are meticulously planned and tenaciously executed in such a way that the people we meet whether physically or online are led to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Below is a testimony from our activities:
DISCIPLESHIPWe use a method known as the Cell System for discipleship. The Cell is a small group of people who come together for fellowship, to be nurtured and to reach out to others with the gospel.
Through the Cell System established both online and in cities where we’ve held ReachOut Campaigns, we are able to nurture and monitor the growth of those who got born-again through this platform. We ensure they are planted in Churches, that they identify their place in the body of Christ and that they in turn start reaching out to others with the gospel that they have received.
Below is the picture of Mr. Sasha who was a beggar in Russia. He was reached out to by members of the ReachOut Partners and Distribution Network, he was given a copy of Rhapsody of Realities which he began to study and within one month, he got a job, started reaching out to others and started a Cell of 15 people.