ReachOut Martins Luther Kings Day
“Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance….” – Martin Luther King Jnr.
Martin Luther King’s Day was initiated to honor the activist and minister Martin Luther King. Partners and volunteers seize the opportunity to share the gospel with many by organizing Reachout Campaigns during the MLK Day celebration each year.
Branded in Rhapsody of Realities T-shirts and military outfits, partners in Texas paraded the streets on the cold beautiful morning of January 21st to distribute copies of Rhapsody of Realities alongside the Rhapsody of Realities Teevo edition to men, women, teenagers and children of different cadres.
The streets, parks and work areas were illuminated with the gospel contained in Rhapsody of Realities, expressing the love of God joyfully to the recipients of the messenger angel. Over 30 people were won to Christ.
Would you like to join us in spreading the light of God's word around the world today?
You can, by sponsoring a free gift of Rhapsody of Realities to someone.